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eCommerce Glossary 2023
Given that eCommerce is constantly growing, there is always a new set of trends and technologies (and terminology) to master.
Then there are the fundamentals that every marketer, e-commerce professional, and digital professional should comprehend.
This glossary seeks to decipher the variety of eCommerce terminology available and is an excellent read for anyone new to the field. Some of the information presented here (and more) may be found in variux's guides and white papers.
Okta SSO for Acumatica
Variux officially published Okta SSO for Acumatica right on the Acumatica Marketplace. This is one of our integrated solutions, extending Acumatica to meet your unique business needs, precisely the Single Sign-On authentication method.
Variux Warranty Solution
Variux Warranty Solution allows for creating, checking, and managing warranty information. This module helped Indmar Authorized Dealers make most determinations about their end customers' warranties immediately.
Okta SSO for Acumatica
Set up Guide
Variux Warranty Solution
Okta SSO for Acumatica
Administration Guide
Okta SSO for Acumatica
User Guide